
Adunanza delle Palilie – Tra fango e bronzo: lo scavo della vasca sacra nel santuario etrusco-romano del Bagno Grande a San Casciano dei Bagni

Nella conferenza verranno presentate le recente scoperte nel santuario termale del Bagno Grande di San Casciano dei Bagni. Qui nell'autunno del 2022 sono riemerse dal fango caldo offerte in bronzo (statue e monete) all'interno di una vasca monumentale in travertino. Il relatore presenterà il "ritmo delle offerte" depositate nella vasca tra il II...
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Imagines Clipeatae: Framing Memory in the Roman World

The imagines clipeatae, which can be described as portrait busts situated within shield-like frames, have been found in a wide variety of contexts such as basilicas, temples, triumphal arches, funerary monuments, and Roman households. The variety of contexts in which the shield busts are displayed in makes them an excellent medium to explore how...
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Presentazione del libro “Hierapolis di Frigia”

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Dispatching the dole: the seaborne transport of staples between Tunisia and Italy through literary and archaeological evidence

The supply of food staples to a specific segment of Rome’s population—whose income or property were below a certain amount—was a prime concern in the late-Republican and imperial period, as it could earn vast numbers of votes and keep the potentially dangerous lower-class citizens at bay. Most of the subsidised foodstuffs were imported from Afri...
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La scoperta del Santuario etrusco-romano di San Casciano dei Bagni

La conferenza presenta le scoperte avvenute tra la fine dell'estate e l'inizio dell'inverno 2022 presso il santuario etrusco-romano del Bagno Grande di San Casciano dei Bagni, in provincia di Siena. Il seppellimento e la deposizione di offerte in bronzo, a più riprese, all'interno della vasca monumentale in travertino, accompagna la vita del san...
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Napoli prima di Napoli. Mito e fondazioni della città di Partenope

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Dallo scavo all’edizione: il Museo-Ninfeo a confronto

Giornata di studio intitolata Dallo scavo all'edizione: il Museo-Ninfeo a confronto dedicata a ripercorrere il lungo percorso di studio, ricerca e valorizzazione che può caratterizzare uno scavo archeologico: dalle prime indagini sul campo, all’esposizione al pubblico dei reperti rinvenuti. Al centro della discussione vi sarà il caso emblematico...
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Rome & the Coinages of the Mediterranean, 200 BCE – 64 CE

Silver coinage formed the backbone of state finance in Classical antiquity. The fineness and quality of a coinage is often taken by historians to be a comment on the fiscal health of the issuing state, yet very little is really known about its fineness and chemical composition, and many of the existing analyses are inadequate to [...]
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Whatever happened to Republican Rome?

In two recent and authoritative companions to the City of Rome (Erdkamp 2013; Holleran & Claridge 2018), the republican period stands out by its near absence, at least in terms of receiving significant discrete treatment.  While it would be wrong to deduce that republican Rome is currently suffering from a ‘crisis of (in)visibility’ – after ...
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Reconsidering the Villanovan phenomenon of pre-Roman Italy through an isotope-based perspective: the Fermo and Tarquinia case-study

During the early first millennium BCE, central Italy experienced geopolitical changes characterized by the nucleation of populations recognized as early forms of urbanization. Human groups associated with the Villanovan material culture (tenth–eighth century BCE, also known as proto-Etruscan), played a significant role in these changes due to th...
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