
Institutum Romanum Finlandiae
Villa Lante al Gianicolo
Passeggiata del Gianicolo 10

Quando divenne prefetto della flotta di Miseno, il vecchio Plinio aveva appena finito di scrivere la sua Historia Naturalis. Ma dalla base navale, il panorama del Golfo di Napoli offriva un microcosmo della sua visione delle meraviglie della natura e della perversione del lusso umano. Questa conferenza esplorerà l’ambivalenza delle opinioni di P...
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The Origins of the Forum and the Basilica

Over the past century, there have been countless contributions concerning the origins of the forum and of the basilica in central Italian cities. Textual sources suggest that the basilica emerged as early as the third century BCE, while archaeologically, the first basilicas in Italy at Rome and Cosa date to the second century BCE. These [...]
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Scavi nel Parco archeologico di Ostia Antica (2022-2023). Nuovi contesti e prospettive di ricerca

Nel corso del 2022, oltre che dalle ordinarie attività di tutela nel territorio di pertinenza, le aree del Parco archeologico di Ostia antica sono state interessate da numerose indagini archeologiche, frutto della partnership tra la Direzione scientifica del Parco stesso e Università e Istituti di ricerca nazionali e internazionali. In questa se...
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The World of the Greek Epigram. Inscribing Funerary Poetry in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods

In the ancient world, funerary inscriptions were much more relational, communicative, and performative than nowadays. As people entered or left the city, they encountered series of inscribed monuments along the road that almost literally spoke to them and made claims about the deceased and their commemorators. This applied in particular to Greek...
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Architecture and poetry: the ‘Casa dei Crescenzi’ and its inscriptions

Although a fraction of its original size, the “Casa dei Crescenzi” is the most imaginative recycling of ancient architecture to survive from medieval Rome. Three poems inscribed on its façades, one as much a collage as the building, address the passer-by in a now indistinct voice. What role did the building originally play on the [...]
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Progettare, costruire, fruire

Incontro AIAC di maggio
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Il Santuario ritrovato 2. Dentro la Vasca Sacra. Rapporto preliminare di Scavo al Bagno Grande di San Casciano dei Bagni

Presentazione del volume. https://www.antichita.uniroma1.it/presentazione-il-santuario-ritrovato-2-dentro-la-vasca-sacra
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Depositi (Ri)scoperti…a Sperlonga Ulisse e i suoi viaggi

Al via la quarta tappa di “Depositi (ri)scoperti…” che, grazie alla collaborazione tra il Museo Nazionale Romano e la Direzione Regionale Museale Lazio, approda al Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Sperlonga con la mostra Ulisse e i suoi viaggi. La mostra nasce anche nell’ambito dell’esposizione “L’istante e l’eternità - Tra noi e gli antichi” che...
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Topography and social change: the late antique Campus Martius and its environs

This lecture will explore the social history of the campus Martius in Late Antiquity, examining how different social groups helped to define this area through its use and appropriation. Besides emperors and bishops, senators, workers, and beggars interacted in spaces like insulae, warehouses, and the streets of the city, giving meaning to and re...
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Journey to the past. Itinerarium Romanum Serbiae Viminacium

Symbiosis of the Roman heritage that originates from the territory of today’s Serbia and Rome - Imperial capital, will show how strong the ties are between the center and the provinces, and how important, especially in the periods of the 3rd and 4th centuries, were these provinces for the entire Roman state. PROGRAMMA MOSTRA IRS [...]
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