Editorial news – Quaderni 2

The Incontri of the International Association of Classical Archaeology: 2017-2018 e 2018-2019
Évelyne Bukowiecki and Antonio Pizzo eds.
In this volume are collected the contributions presented at the seminars of AIAC known as the ‘Incontri’ during the academic years 2017-2018 and 2018-2019. For two decades AIAC has promoted the visibility of young scholars in the multiple foreign institutions, as well as those in Roman universities, with the aim of encouraging a dialogue and creating new scientific networks within classical archaeology and the study of the ancient world in general.
This miscellany of studies opens new prospectives on the current themes in archaeology and its methods. The themes treated in the volume range from the analysis of economic and productive processes, the reconstruction of worksites, monumental architecture and classical urbanism, the managment of water, funerary practices, villas, and the study of territories and sources.
AIAC members are entitled to a discount of 25% on the price of the volume if ordering direct from the publisher, Quasar.
You can renew yor membership getting in touch with segreteria@aiac.org or directly https://www.aiac.org/en/become-a-member/