International Association for Classical Archaeology
Abstract of the Statute
Art. 1 – Nature and Location
The International Association for Classical Archaeology is an association of archaeologists and scholars of antiquity. Its special concern is with the field of Greek and Roman archaeological studies.
It is an association of private character and is located in Rome.
The Association may have other Sections. Such sections are not restricted to Italy
Art. 2 – Purpose
The Association serves as a centre for all scholars of classical archaeology. It is concerned with the development of scientific research, with the safeguarding of classical studies, and with the protection of the heritage of antiquity.
Art. 3 – Membership
Membership of the Association is open to archaelogists and scholars of antiquity, to institutions of an archaeological character, and to analogous scientific bodies of all countries, wherever located. Membership is divided into two categories, Ordinary Membership and Honorary Membership. Admission to ordinary membership is decided, upon personal application, by the Council, by secret ballot, and requires the further approval of the Assembly.
Ordinary members are required to pay an annual subscription, the sum to be determined by the Council. Institutions and analogous scientific bodies pay double this sum.
Honorary members are nominated « honoris causa» by the Council. They pay no subscription. Members enjoy all such privileges as the Association, in the development of its aims as the art. II, sees fit to estabish, including the receipt of the publications of the Association at a special discount. Members are entitled to propose the admission of other members, and to put forward, individually or collectively, proposals, requests and suggestions, either at meetings or at any other time, througth the Council.
Bodies or individuals who are not directly concerned with archaeological studies, but who contribute to the Association by means of large gifts or donations, or in any other way, may be declared «Benefactors». They will enjoy all the privileges of ordinary membership, but will not pay a yearly subscription and will not take part in the elections.
Art. 4 – Annual General Meeting
Tha Annual General Meeting of the members of the Association is convened yearly, in the second quarter, at a place determined by the Council.
The Assembly elects the sixteen elective members of the Council, as in art. V, and three internal auditors. two effective and one in reserve. It also discusses the agenda prepared by individual members, and it approves the financial statement and estimates.
An Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened by the Council or at the request of not less than two thirds of the members of the Association. In the latter case, in the event of the Council taking no action, the Assembly may be ordered to be convened by the President of the Italian Court of Justice.
For all purposes, including modifications to the Statute, voting at the General Meeting is by simple majority. The presence of not less than half of the members of the Association constitutes a quorum. In the absence of a quorum, the meeting will be reconvened on one of the days following, and at this second meeting the deliberations will be valid whatever the number of those present.
In approving the financial statement or in discussing matters for which they have been personally responsible, the auditors are not entitled to vote.
Art. 5 – The Council
The Council is composed of not more than twenty members, resident in Rome. Ten of these are elected from among the representatives of the various scientific institutes in Rome, provided that such institutes are members of the Associaition and are of an archaeological character, or that archaeological research is included among their activities. Only one representative can be elected from each institute.
A further six members of the Council are elected from among scholars of archaeology or of classical antiquity who are not already members of the Council in the capacity of representatives of institutes located in Rome. They may be of any nationality but must be normally resident in Rome.
The election is by secret ballot, either at the general meeting or by referendum, or else by a combination of the two methods (mixed voting).
The elected members of the Council remain in office for a period of three years, and are eligible for reelection.
The elected members of the Council may co-opt not more than four distinguished scholars of archaeology or classical antiquity. These co-opted members may be of any nationality, but need not be permanently resident in Rome.
The co-opted members of the Council remain in office for the duration of their residence in Rome; should such residence be prolonged for more than three years, they are eligible for further co-optation. In the event of the qualifications for membership of any of these coopted members lapsing, the Council may co-opt other members in their place to serve for the remaining part of the triennium, provided that the total number of the co-opted members is at no time more than four.
In addition to the twenty members referred to in paragraph 1 of the present article, the presidents of the Sections referred to in article I are ex officio members of the Council.
Art. 6 – Functions of the Council
The Council is responsible for the management of the Association. It elects from among its own number, by secret ballot, a President, a Vice-President, and a Secretary. It initiates and directs the work of the Association; it appoints sub-committees, as in article VIII of this Statute, and directs their work; it prepares the annual financial estimates, and approves the financial statement prepared by the two auditors yearly nominated at the General Meeting; it deliberates on gifts and bequests, on the use and investment of funds, and on the acquisition or disposal of property; and, in general, it concerns itself with whatever is needed for the realization of the objects of the Association. It reports upon its work to the Annual General Meeting.
The Council meets in ordinary session at least twice a year, in the second and fourth quarter; it may also be convened at the discretion of the President or at the request of not less than two thirds of the Council members. In case of unavoidable absence, a member of the Council may be represented by another member.
One half plus one of the members of the Council at the moment of its convention constitute an effective quorum. In the absence of a quorum, the meeting will be reconvened on one of the days following, and on this occasion those present, whatever their number, constitute an effective quorum.
Each member of the Council is entitled to a single vote; he may, in addition, cast no more than two proxy votes on behalf of absent members.
In the case of sessions of the Council held far the electron of the President, Vice-President and Secretary, or for the cooptation of supplementary members an absolute majority of members present or represented by proxy is needed to constitute an effective quorum, at first
and second meeting alike. If such a quorum is not in fact secured at the second meeting, the election will be postponed until a further meeting, to be held after a lapse of not less than fifteen days.
At this further meeting, the election will be held to be valid if an absolute majority of members is present or represented; if it is necessary to reconvene the meeting on one of the days following, it will be held to be valid regardless of the numbers of those present.
Art. 7 – Presidential Committee
The Presidential Committee consists of the President, Vice-President and Secretary. They are elected by the Council, as laid down in the previous article. They remain in office for three years and are eligible far reelection, for not more than one further consecutive period. Should any member of the Presidential Committee be compelled to resign and his resignation be accepted by the Council, or should be for any reason be prevented from continuing in office, his place on the Presidential Committee will be filled by election, to take place within a period of not more than one month of the vacancy becoming effective.
The President is in all matters the responsible legal representative of the Association. He presides over its work and directs its activities. In the temporary absence of the President, his place is taken by the Vice-President, who is also, during such time, the Association’s responsible legal representative.
The Secretary keeps the minutes of the Council and of the General Meeting. He acts as Treasurer and undertakes the duties assigned to him by the President or by the Council.
Apart from the specific responsibilities of its individual members, the Presidential Committee is also jointly responsible for directing the affairs of the Association in all matters of normal administration. Any specially urgent cases it may refer to the Council.
Art. 8 – Subcommittees
The Council may appoint special Subcommittees, composed of its own members and of other specially qualified members of the Association, to examine proposals put before it or to execute its decisions. Such Subcommittes may also include outside technical experts who are not themselves members of the Association. Subcommittees will report in writing to the Council.
Art. 9 – Finance
The Association is financed by the annual subscription, by the income from its publications, by contributions from public bodies and private individuals, and by gifts and legacies.
Art. 10 – Supplementary Legal Provisions
With regard to any contingency that is not foreseen by the present Statute, the provisions of the Italian Civil Code concerning associations will be held to apply.