Between 1946 and 1997 the International Association for Classical Archaeology (AIAC) published the Fasti Archaeologici. It contained very useful summary notices of excavations throughout the area of the Roman Empire. However, spiraling costs and publication delays combined to render it less useful. AIAC’s board of directors thus decided in 1998 to discontinue the publication and to seek a new way of recording and diffusing new results. The Fasti Online is the result of this effort. The aim of the site is to provide a database of excavations since 2000, providing a record in English and in the local language for each season. Each participating country is responsible for uploading the data it gathers. The site comprises the database Fasti Online and an online peer-reviewed journal FOLD&R. for fuller excavation reports: we have now published over 600 long reports for Italy.
The project was started with the support of the Packard Humanities Institute. It has subsequently developed partnerships with ICCROM, and the Center for the Study of Ancient Italy at the University of Texas at Austin. The project has since been generously supported by the Baron Lorne Thyssen, the Italian Ministry for Cultural Heritage, the Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies, the Classical Association, the Ukrainian Studies Fund of Harvard University, the Oxford Journal of Archaeology and the European Projects ARIADNE and ARIADNE+
Donating to Fasti Online will let us keep on publishing excavation records and supporting the editing and publication of FOLD&R. Contribute to the fundraising to keep on the project through 2024.
Direttore scientifico
Elizabeth Fentress
Direzione scientifica
Elizabeth Fentress