Ethical code
The officers, members of the board of directors, members and the collaborators of the International Association of Classical Archeology (AIAC) are committed to respecting this code in relation to the Association, and to the responsibilities and roles played both individually and within the context of the Association on a stable or temporary basis.
The code of ethics of the International Association of Classical Archeology (AIAC from here on, and also simply Association) identifies the values on which the Association’s actions are based, specifying the set of rights, duties and responsibilities of the recipients of the code itself .
AIAC’s mission is to establish an international center based in Rome to increase and support research, study, communication, publication and exchange of knowledge in the field – in particular – of classical archeology and – in general – of the different disciplinary specializations of archeology both in fieldwork and through studies for the purpose of a broader knowledge, protection and conservation of the world’s archaeological heritage. AIAC therefore promotes activities that can be of interest to archeological research, developed by archaeologists of various nationalities brought together in an open, safe and inclusive human and scientific environment.
AIAC therefore requires that within the organization and implementation of all activities and every commitment undertaken by the Association, the highest standard of education, respect and professional commitment is ensured by all those involved – in any capacity.
AIAC therefore believes that anyone – member, collaborator, volunteer, officers and member of the board of directors, of the scientific and editorial committee – who participates in the Association, relates inside or outside it with professionalism and responsibility, giving full and loyal collaboration, avoiding discriminatory words, attitudes and actions, abstaining from conduct that could damage the reputation and image of the Association itself.
AIAC therefore undertakes to contribute to supporting the principles and behavioral practices set out above.
The rules that constitute the code of ethics are an integral part of the “Organization, management and control model” (hereinafter for brevity also just “Model”) provided for by art. 6 of Legislative Decree 231/01 regarding the administrative responsibility of bodies, and constitute a few but essential rules that complement the statutory and regulatory rules. This code of ethics may be modified from time to time by the AIAC board of directors as it deems appropriate, for example in order to incorporate legislative and regulatory changes or in line with best practices.
The life of the AIAC Association is regulated by the rules contained in the Articles of Association, in the statute and in any regulations, but it is projected externally through the daily behavior of the members, collaborators, volunteers, officers and members of the board of directors, of the scientific and editorial committees and of all those who work within it as consultants who act in the interest of the Association and who constitute the set of recipients of this code of ethics.
The adoption of the code of ethics aims to satisfy in the best possible way the needs and expectations of all the Association’s interlocutors (including donors, suppliers, supporters or beneficiaries) and to achieve a high standard of professionalism in carrying out the initiatives promoted by the Association as well as to prohibit those behaviors that conflict not only with the legislative or regulatory provisions but also with the values that the Association promotes.
General principles
Everyone’s behavior must therefore be based on principles, values, ethical and deontological rules that safeguard the interests, image and high ethical profile of the Association and simultaneously ensure correct associative life for members and all those who for any reason come into contact with the Association itself.
Duties and responsibilities
The recipients of this code, in pursuing the objectives and carrying out the activities and programs of the Association, undertake to participate in the life of the Association with a constructive spirit, not tainted by any conditioning, having the interest of the Association as their priority. They must contribute to the construction of a positive image of the Association, working to increase its prestige, authority and high ethical profile, which the Association has always had as its objective. Its members are therefore asked to carry out their activities based on loyalty, impartiality, integrity, honesty, respect and transparency, not engaging in behaviour that could be detrimental to the image and prestige of the Association.
The identification of collaborators for activities in favour of the Association must take place impartially and must be based on criteria of competence, professionalism and seriousness, regardless of political affiliation, religion, gender or racial affiliations.
Any conduct that, directly or indirectly, could lead to some form of discrimination is prohibited. Any form of vilification is also prohibited. The Association and/or its bodies must not be brought into disrepute during public discussions or statements to the press.
It is absolutely forbidden for AIAC collaborators to work under the influence of drugs, alcohol, psychotropic substances, as well as all substances considered illegal in Italy.
Individual responsibility remains understood for any behaviour that differs from what is stated, as well as for anything that may have offensive or defamatory results both towards individuals and institutions, including their representatives and employees.
Conflict of interest
In carrying out the assigned functions, situations in which conflicts of interest could arise, both real and potential, between personal activities and those of the Association must be avoided, also with reference to what is established by the internal regulations. No one within AIAC can obtain unjustified personal advantages in relation to the activity carried out on behalf of the Association.
Relationships with Partners
As part of its activities, and in the pursuit of its strategic objectives, AIAC establishes collaborative relationships and alliances with international, national and local, public or private partners.
The choice of partners is based on the following criteria:
- sharing and acceptance of the principles, rules and mission of the association, contained in this Code of Ethics and in the Statute;
- compliance with transparency and anti-corruption rules.
In the event that the Association grants the use of its logo in relation to initiatives developed with public or private partners, measures must be adopted to preserve and strengthen its image and a commitment must be made to:
- always use the logo in institutional graphics;
- study all packaging and advertising material in close collaboration with AIAC;
- not assert rights to use the logo except as established;
- use the AIAC logo exclusively in conjunction with the joint communication campaign, in order to guarantee that the logo is connected to the communication campaign and not to other entities or companies so as not to give any ambiguous message.
The Association refuses collaborations with partners involved in criminal proceedings, with particular attention to those relating to serious environmental, landscape, urban planning, corruption, mafia-type criminal association, as well as other illegal phenomena incompatible with the values and mission of the Association.
Relationships with patrons and donors
For the realization of its projects and its institutional activity, AIAC establishes relationships and commitments with various public or private financiers or donors, which must be based on correctness and transparency.
Companies and entities that intend to finance projects or actions promoted by the Association are required to respect human rights, workers’ rights and environmental protection, preferably attested by social responsibility practices or codes or by internationally recognized certifications.
Particular attention will be paid to the principles of the protection of minors, equal opportunities and treatment, respect for personal integrity contained in the Code of Ethics.
The Association rejects donations of both materials and money from companies that produce or trade armaments, pornographic materials and anything else considered offensive to the human person, cultural heritage and the environment or involved in criminal proceedings for serious environmental crimes, landscape, urban planning, corruption, mafia-style criminal association, and other illegal phenomena incompatible with the values of the Association.
Relationships with suppliers
The choice of suppliers and the purchase of goods, works and services are carried out on the basis of transparency, internal procedures and regulations, or in compliance with the contractual commitments established by donors, where more restrictive rules are contained.
Knowledge and acceptance by suppliers of the AIAC code of ethics is a condition for the stipulation of each contract, as is their proven respect for human rights, labour rights, and environmental protection, with particular attention to the principles of the protection of minors, equal opportunities and treatment, and respect for personal integrity contained in the code.
Relations with the outside
The Association’s communications to the outside world must be truthful, complete, accurate and verifiable. Relations with the mass media are the responsibility of the president and/or the other officers.
Where it is required to provide external information regarding the objectives, results and points of view of AIAC, the members, collaborators, volunteers, and members of the scientific and editorial committees are required to refer to the members of the officers and the board of directors and to obtain the authorization.
Any intervention and thought expressed in the media that does not comply with the provisions of the Code will not be considered as coming from the Association, with all consequences in terms of personal responsibility.
The figures authorized to interact with the media, including social media, are in any case required to express the official positions of the Association, to verify the correctness of what is stated, to maintain correct and non-offensive language and are personally responsible for any consequences of a failure to comply with the provisions of the Code.
Participation, in the name of the Association or on behalf of the same, in committees, networks, campaigns, third-party associations of any kind must also be regularly authorized by the Presidency.
Relations with institutions
Relations with the institutions are the responsibility of the President.
The figures authorized to deal with the Institutions are in any case required to express the official positions of the Association, to verify the correctness of what is stated, to maintain correct and non-offensive language and are personally responsible for anything resulting from failure to comply with the provisions of the Code .
The relationship with the institutions is based on the principles of correctness, loyalty, independence, respect and transparency.
Those who create offensive or accusatory situations towards the Institutions or their representatives or employees will be personally legally liable.
Relationships between members
Communication and relationships between members, collaborators, volunteers, officers and members of the board of directors, scientific and editorial committees of the Association, are carried out with respect for persons, their dignity and their physical and mental integrity. No person must be placed in a state of subjection through violence, physical or moral, threat, deception, abuse of authority and power, abuse of a situation of economic, physical or psychological inferiority, or of a situation of necessity. Violations of this principle will be prosecuted with determination and rigor in every situation and context.
The use, in internal communications of the Association, of the members’ e-mail address is based on the criteria of strict relevance, necessity and current privacy regulations, taking care in any case to always obscure, in the case of plural mailings, the recipients’ email address.
All recipients of this code must consult only the documents and files to which they are authorized access, making use of them in accordance with their official duties and allowing access only to those who are entitled to do so.
All recipients of this code are obliged to ensure maximum confidentiality on the information managed due to their associative or work function.
The recipients are therefore required not to reveal to third parties information regarding the wealth of technical and financial knowledge, personal data relating to donors, supporters and beneficiaries of the association, as well as other non-public information, except in cases where such disclosure is imposed by law and regulations.
Accounting and other records
All actions and economic operations of the Association must be adequately registered.
All operations must have adequate documentary support in order to allow for any controls.
All subjects involved in the management and keeping of accounting records and corporate communications must ensure maximum collaboration, completeness and clarity of the information provided, as well as the accuracy of the data and processing.
It is forbidden to prevent or hinder, in any form, the performance of the control activities of the public supervisory and/or audit authorities legally attributed to the corporate bodies.
Use of the association’s assets
In order to protect the assets of the Association and its image towards third parties, each member, collaborator and volunteer is required to operate diligently, responsibly and in line with the operating procedures established for the use of the assets, equipment and tools.
In particular, it is necessary to use the equipment scrupulously and sparingly, avoiding improper uses that could cause damage or a reduction in their effectiveness as well as uses for purposes unrelated to one’s duties and work.
Disciplinary system
The Code of Ethics is an integral part of the conditions that regulate relationships, including working relationships, within the association. Any violations of the Code of Ethics will give rise to the application of sanctions against the guilty party.
Dissemination of the Code
This code of ethics is published on the website, through which it is made known:
- to all the people who are associated and/or have a collaborative or volunteer relationship with AIAC;
- to the people, organizations, businesses and third-party institutions with which
AIAC establishes a relationship, in different capacities and with different purposes.
A declaration certifying knowledge and acceptance of the code of ethics and its rules must be signed by each person when requesting the Association or signing a collaboration and/or work contract, or working as a volunteer.
The code of ethics is accessible and available to all people who request it, with the indication of the managers to contact to report cases of infringement and violation.
All people associated and/or who have a collaborative relationship with the Association have the obligation and duty to report to those responsible any case of suspected infringement and violation of the code by members, collaborators, volunteers, officers and members of the board of directors, scientific and editorial committees, beneficiaries, partners, suppliers and donors. If there are reasons that could affect the impartiality of the judgment and in cases of a delayed or failed response, or considered unsatisfactory, interested parties may contact the General Secretary and the Presidency.
Victims of abuse, violence and discrimination will be protected and facilitated by the Association both in reporting to the management and governing bodies of the Association and in reporting to the judicial authority.
Entry into force, updating and modifications
This Code of Ethics is in force from the date of approval by the Board of Directors on 12 June 2023.
Any modification and/or update to this code of ethics must be approved by the Board of Directors.