BEYOND THE CITY WALL: Building in Rome and the suburbium in the 2nd century AD

Istituto Archeologico Germanico di Roma
Sala Platneriana
Via Sardegna 79-81
Data evento
30 May 2024 - 31 May 2024
The Villa of Sette Bassi is one of the largest villa complexes of the Roman imperial period. Since 2020, the hughe complex has been the subject of structural and geodetic research as part of the interdisciplinary research project »The Villa of Sette Bassi in Rome. Innovative architectural study and reconstruction« funded by the German Research Foundation (Project number 436838558). The project’s objectives are to conduct detailed studies of the building’s history, with a particular focus on construction and vaulting techniques, and to assess the applicability of digital building models (BIM) in archaeological building research.
As part of an international colloquium, the results of the project will be presented, discussed and contextualized for the first time. The focus of all lectures is on building constructions, materials and construction processes. In particular, buildings constructed using opus caementicium will be examined in greater detail. The aim of the event is to provide a comprehensive overview of building in Rome and suburbium in the 2nd century AD.