Anatomy of ruins


Istituto Svedese di Studi Classici a Roma
Via Omero 14
00197 Roma

Data evento
26 January 2023

The art of building is a field that has evolved with changes in use and means available to builders. If the history of architecture is witness to this progressive evolution, a new predominant paradigm has to be integrated into architectural design: climate change, the finiteness of resources and the loss of biodiversity.
Earthen architecture is one of the first solutions used by men to shape their environment. Its use has been gradually abandoned in favour to more modern techniques. We are recently facing that the production of industrial building materials is largely responsible for global warming. Earthen construction has therefore recently become a credible alternative, which must be reinvented and modernized.
This non-academic seminar presents the journey, the creative process, and the work in residence of an architect. It presents how the observation of ruins can be a source of inspiration for anyone interested in construction. The Roman knowledge into building, by combining a wide variety of building techniques can enrich the reflection on current earth construction.

Vincent Dumay