Call for papers – “Space is the Place: Experiencing the Interplay of Architecture and Space is the Classical World”

AADG seminar series focuses on the intersection between architecture and architectural studies in the interpretation of archaeological issues. The Roman and wider Classical world are familiar, but not the exclusive setting for our series. The presentation program is open and prefers a work-in-progress aspect for its contributions. The speakers we contact are experts in their field of study. They may include professors, researchers, graduate students and professionals in the field of commercial archaeology, who are willing to present our audience with engaging or innovative research problems. We hope, in this way, to stimulate a lively discussion with our speakers and the audience for the mutual benefit of all. A Q&A discussion is organised following the presentation and is a subsequent informal chat (we hope to resume our wine receptions soon!). The series is open to members of the academic community, and well as anyone else who might be interested.
http://AADG Space is the Place – CFP