
In 2021 a new program was added to AIAC’s activities, the organization of ‘Giornate di Studio’– day-long conferences dedicated to themes of general interest regarding archaeology and the politics of Cultural Heritage.

These conferences will take place once a year and involve outstanding members of the scholarly community for discussion of our common interests in the intervals between the quinquennial Congressi Internazionali di Archeologia Classica, which are dedicated to more scientific themes.

The Giornate di Studio’ will involve an international set of speakers to put together experiences in different countries in order to contribute to the discussion. The acts of these conferences will be published in the series AIAC – Quadern.

A preview of these was the conference organized in 2016 by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of AIAC in order to discuss the state of Classical Archaeology.In September of 2021 we organizedArchaeology in the time of COVID at the Roman National Museum at Palazzo Massimo.
